Thursday, January 21, 2010

Before & After Thursday

Editing photos is fun. I've always loved art, and in a way, Photoshop is like my paintbrush. I can add texture and color and special effects to make the mood of the photo appear the way I see it in my head. But at the same time,  some photos don't need a whole lot of editing. If they're taken correctly in-camera (meaning that I've set all manual settings for light and shutter speed correctly), then they should only need a few tweaks to create a WOW factor...

Case in point, this little beauty below...



I punched up the saturation to make the colors more vibrant, and then focused mainly on the eyes to make them pop. With a few tweaks here and there, and a crop at the end, I think this picture shows off how flawless this little face really is :)

Doesn't it make you smile?

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