I love miniature people. I love their big, bright eyes, their long lashes, their soft hair, their dirty faces, their tiny little features, their shy smiles, their funny facial expressions, their attempts at saying big words, their uncontrollable giggles...
I love how their minds work, how they smell, how they can see the good in anything, how a hug from them can make you feel loved unconditionally, how they say what they think, how they surprise you with their intelligence, how they can sing off-key and still be cute...
But most importantly, I love their innocence. They make me want to be a better person. To judge less and love more, to believe more deeply in my faith so that I can be a Godly example to them...
I am grateful to be surrounded by so many beautiful children with such beautiful hearts.
Here are a few photos from River Bluff children's choir practice tonite.
I hope you can see what I see...

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