Saturday I got to spend some time in the Buffalo/Elkland area for a photo session for my sister-in-law, Casey, and her family. Casey's mom and dad own Paradise Lake Cabin Rentals, which I've had the opportunity to use before. I loved the cabin and the experience so much that I wanted to bring some friends and go back! I offered to swap some family photos for cabin time, and they took me up on it... So here are the family's sneak peek pix... I'm anxiously awaiting my relaxing time at the cabin next spring! (Take a look around their site and contact them to sign up for a date.. but hurry! They fill up fast!)
Mom and Dad Felin have an amazing farm, and they wanted to make sure we implemented their favorite things about the farm into the family photos... the silo, the barn, and some waterfalls located on the property. It ended up being a beautiful, overcast day with some fabulous clouds, lush colors... and a happy photographer :)

Oh! And we had to get pictures of the rest of the family... Meet Eddie and Sally. Eddie wasn't a big fan of my noisy, clicky camera, but once he got to ride on his favorite golf cart, he was a model pup bringin' a whole lot of personality. Sally, on the other hand, was all about the camera!

Coming soon... twins. yellow leaves. fur boots. blue eyes. Get excited!
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