I met a special little boy in Brazil. His name is Yuki. He lives right behind the church we built in Rio Branco. He has big, beautiful eyes and the most perfect little handsome face. Some children shied away from the constant click click of my camera, but not Yuki. He acted like he saw a camera every day...
Even though he was probably only three, he had an old soul. He would just sit and stare at the camera like he was hanging out with a friend. Maybe that's why I was so drawn to him. I want to know his story. I want to know what he thought of our group of crazy Americans who built a church and were always smiling and who passed out toys and made crafts with the children and took hundreds of pictures. I want to know how he felt when he received the new toys and flip flops that we gave him. What will he remember of me? What will he grow up to be? Will he believe in God? Will he be a leader in his community?

These things I don't know and may never know... But I do know that I will never forget his face. I know that I will pray for him every time he comes to my mind. And I know that I will try my best to keep in touch with him through the pastor of the church. I want him to know that I will never forget him. And that he is special. And that he is loved by a God that is so big that He brought me across the world to meet him.
Sometimes God places people in your life that you know in your soul that you'll never forget...
Meet Yuki.

A really beautiful photo story Jen! I wouldn't be surprised if Yuki becomes a photographer!